Your natural immune system does a great job to defend your body against pathogens, allergens and many illness-causing microorganisms. However, if your immune system weakens, microorganisms will start invading your body and can make you sick.
Therefore, you need to make certain lifestyle changes and start following some healthy life patterns to boost your immunity. While the idea of boosting immunity may seem interesting, you need to understand that the immune system is not a single entity. So, you need to take care of your overall health to form a proper balance to boost your immunity.
Researchers are still exploring the impact of regular exercising, diet, psychological stress, age and other factors on the immune system of humans. However, it’s always recommended that people must concentrate on their healthy living strategies for enhancing their immune system for good. Here are some easy tips to start boosting your immune system:
1. Start working on your diet
First and foremost, you need to aim for maintaining a balanced diet of unprocessed, whole foods that include ample antioxidants. It’s important to include high protein foods in the diet, such as lean pork, lean chicken, tofu, fish, beans, milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, low-fat yoghurt, etc. You need to consume four to five servings of healthy green vegetables, including collard greens, lettuces, etc. Also, eat plenty of mushrooms, which are a great source of vitamin D to boost immunity. The studies also show that certain varieties like reishi and maitake may boost your body’s white blood cell activities. You must also add garlic to your food. The crushed garlic releases allicin, which is a compound to combat disease-causing microbes.
2. Nourish your body
The healthy immune system also needs proper nourishment. According to some scientists, people who are malnourished are often more vulnerable to many infectious diseases. This proves the impact of nutrition on the human immune system. There’s also some evidence to prove that many micronutrient deficiencies — for instance, deficiencies of iron, copper, zinc, folic acid, selenium and vitamins A, C, B6 and E have a negative impact on the immune response. Therefore, it’s essential to keep the body well nourish with proper food rich in protein and micronutrients to boost your immune system.
3. Heal your mind
There’s a direct link between the brain and the immune system. To be precise, mindfulness meditation is important to enhance the activity in the right anterior insula, prefrontal cortex and right hippocampus which is the area in your brain to act as the immune system’s major command centre. When all these areas are stimulated through mindfulness, your body’s immune system works more effectively.
4. Stress management
In today’s busy lifestyle, most people often stress about their work, family, future, and other issues. But being stressed consistently may increase the chronic stress levels, which reduces the flow of immune cells that help the immune system to fight against infections. Therefore, it’s important to manage stress by mindfulness training that helps anyone to gain a new perspective on your life’s stressors. So, they don’t debilitate.
5. Go for herbs and supplements
You may start consuming natural herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, fenugreek seeds, cumin, etc. to boost your immune system. All these natural ingredients, which are commonly found in our kitchen, are the natural immunity boosters and also have many other health benefits. You can also take necessary supplements like Protinex Tasty Chocolate to provide you with all the needed nutrients to support a strong immune system. Protinex can help you meet the regular protein and nutrient requirements. It includes Acti Pro 5, which contains 34% more protein than any other health drink. This supplement is even fortified with a total of 25 other essential vitamins and minerals. It is also low in fat and high in protein, so a great supplement for helping increase the efficiency of the immune system while combating many health risks.
6. Routine exercise
Regular exercise is important to boost your immune system. If you work out regularly, it will help your body to mobilise the T cells, a type of white blood cells that guard your body against infections. However, constant extremely rigorous exercises may even weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to viral infections and flu. So, it must be done in moderation, along with a healthy diet plan.
7. Weight management
Maintaining a healthy weight is also important to boost your immune system. If there is excess fat in your body, it may hamper your body’s natural defence system and also leads to heart diseases and other conditions. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a proper weight – neither more nor less – according to your height to gain a healthy immune system.
8. Get adequate sleep
Lack of sleep may lead to the activation of the inflammatory immune response, which further reduces the activity of T cells in the human body. This may weaken your body’s immune system, as well as response to vaccines. So, it’s best to get a proper 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to maintain the balance of your body’s immune system.
9. Cut away from harmful habits
You must quit all harmful habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco, etc. This is because all these habits have a bad impact on both innate and adaptive immunity. These habits slowly start depleting your immune system, making it weak enough to produce fewer antibodies to combat infections, viruses or bacteria. So, it’s best to stay away from the habits that harm your immunity and opt for healthy habits like routine exercises and eating a healthy diet.
10. Adopt healthy life patterns
Following healthy life patterns like eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising and taking the right supplements and nutrients that are important to control weight and improve your immunity. When you start your day, always eat a healthy breakfast and avoid being hungry for long periods. Even skip having high sugar-containing foods in the breakfast or it may increase your blood sugar level while increasing fat storage. Always include at least four to five servings of vegetables and fruits in your diet every day. These foods are high in nutrients and low in calories.
Another simple and easy way to bridge the nutrient gap from your diet to support building your immunity is by taking Protinex Tasty Chocolate or any other flavour with your regular meals. This will provide all the necessary nutrients and protein supplies while improving the immune system. You may visit to order it now.