Some of the factors include*:
- Activities of daily living
- Dependency on medicines and medical aids
- Energy and fatigue
- Mobility, etc.
*WHO QoL BREF, Introduction, Administration, Scoring and Generic version of assessment manual, World Health Organisation, Geneva

Some of the factors include*:
- Bodily image and appearance
- Negative feelings
- Positive feelings
- Self-esteem, etc.
*WHO QoL BREF, Introduction, Administration, Scoring and Generic version of assessment manual, World Health Organisation, Geneva

Some of the factors include*:
- Personal relationships
- Social support, etc.
*WHO QoL BREF, Introduction, Administration, Scoring and Generic version of assessment manual, World Health Organisation, Geneva

Some of the factors include*:
- Financial resources
- Freedom, physical safety and security
- Health and social care
- Home environment, etc.
*WHO QoL BREF, Introduction, Administration, Scoring and Generic version of assessment manual, World Health Organisation, Geneva